28 Aralık 2012 Cuma

Spiderman'in sonu!

tarihe not dusulmesi gereken gunlerden biri.. tam da yaman'in okula yilbasi partisi nedeniyle, isikli parlakli bir spiderman kiyafetiyle gittigi gun, gazete haberinde rastladim: Spiderman, 700. sayisinda, oluyor!

Dünyada büyük beğeniyle takip edilen “İnanılmaz Örümcek Adam” çizgi romanının 700. sayısı, ABD’de satışa çıkıyor. Son macerada "Örümcek Adam”ın öldürülmesi, hayranlarının tepkisine neden oldu.

Güncelleme: 07:15 TSİ 28 Aralık. 2012 Cuma
Independent gazetesi, kurgu-çizgi kahraman Örümcek Adam’ın çizgi roman serisine son verildiğini yazdı.
ABD’de “İnanılmaz Örümcek Adam” çizgi roman serisinin 700’üncü ve son sayısı bu hafta raflarda yerini alacak.
Dünyada büyük beğeniyle takip edilen “Örümcek Adam”, son macerada ruhunu ve ağlarını rakibine kaptırıyor. “Örümcek Adam”, beyaz perdeye yansıtılmadan çok önce başladığı çizgi hayatını baş rakibinin ellerinde ölerek noktalıyor.
“Örümcek Adam”ın yazarı Brian Michael Bendis USA Today’e yaptığı açıklamada hikayenin sonunu yazarken “koca bir bebek gibi ağladım” dedi.
Bendis sözlerine şöyle devam etti: “Yukarı eşimin yanına çıktım ve ona 'Kendimden o kadar utanıyorum ki, son 45 dakikadır ağlıyorum' dedim.”
Hayranları, “Örümcek Adam”ın öldürülmesine tepki gösterdi.

Off My Mind: The End of The Amazing Spider-Man

The 700th issue will end the series and the question is what catastrophic event will fall upon Spider-Man?

Anniversary issues for comic books are usually marked by some major event in the lives of the characters involved. It has been revealed through the solicits that THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #700 will be the final issue of the series. Of course we know the series is likely to immediately return with a new #1 issue as part of the upcoming Marvel NOW! initiative bringing new creative teams to titles and jumping on points for new readers.
Spider-Man is Marvel's most iconic character. The series comes out twice a month and Dan Slott has been doing a spectacular job on the series. Yet he's recently mentioned several times he will need to "go into hiding" once issue #700 is released. What could the brilliant writer possibly have planned that would cause Spider-Man fans to gather pitchforks and torches?
This will remain a well-guarded secret but as the issue approaches, there are tiny possibilities that are surfaces with each new issue. We'll look at what (most likely) tragic event will fall upon Spider-Man that could anger those that love the character. There will be some spoilers from THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #694.

The Death of Spider-Man?

Despite comic readers' hatred of the gimmick of a comic book death, you can't argue that they still bring plenty of attention to a series through the media. If you've read recent issues, you know Spider-Man is about to be stuck in the middle of a "Goblin War." We've been seeing the original Hobgoblin ready to make his return to enact vengeance upon the current Hobgoblin, Phil Urich. Urich is proving to be more and more unstable and Kingsley won't be too happy. But the chances of Spider-Man being killed over their fight is minimal.
Plus Marvel already killed him in the Ultimate Universe.

Spider-Man's Identity Revealed


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